Welcome to Sponsor an Emigrant, where for as little as $1, you can help sponsor a liberal to leave the USA!

Yes, we are taking the slogan “if you don’t like it, leave!” to heart, and with your help, we will help a liberal leave the greatest country in the history of mankind all the sooner.

For a small contribution to Sponsor an Emigrant, you can help a liberal family legally immigrate to another country of their choosing. (Because we all like legal immigration, right?)

How Much Does it Cost to Move?

Cash Money

Costs to receive resident permits have grown considerably in recent years, often to the tune of $500,000 to $1,000,000+ USD per family, depending on the destination country. This puts great financial strain on those looking to emigrate and is truly cost-prohibitive to most everyone.

With your assistance, many liberals can achieve their goal of emigrating from the USA every year- we are simply starting at one family and will continue from there.

Is this site a joke? Yes, it absolutely is. We just wanted to shine a light on how much it actually costs to emigrate from the USA, which is so often suggested over partaking in civil discourse about our differences.

But if you would be so kind as to contribute, we will absolutely consider possibly taking you up on your generous offer all the same. So sponsor a liberal’s potential departure with contribution to Sponsor an Emigrant today!

  • Did you know if every US voter contributed just $1, we could finance approximately 100-300 liberal families emigrating from the USA?
  • If that number ballooned to $1/month, we could get 1,200 to 3,700 make-believe families to leave every year.
  • Or, if everyone was incredibly generous and contributed $1/day, we could hypothetically support 37,000 to 112,000 families yearly.
  • But it gets better! If everyone on the planet donated $1/day, we could move all liberals out of the USA in just a few years’ time!

Sponsor an Emigrant Today

Goal USD: $1,000,000.00
Sponsor an Emigrant Today!

Get a liberal to leave the USA with a contribution as low as $1!

0.00% Raised
$43.00 donated
5 Donors
XX Days Left

Prefer to contribute via crypto? We accept all major cryptocurrencies here. Every Satoshi helps!

Please note: We reserve the right to do whatever we want to with any funds sent. No refunds will be provided if we do not emigrate. Read more in our FAQ at the end of this page.


Unsure about whether or not you should contribute to Sponsor an Emigrant? Don’t take our word for it, check out these real and definitely not made-up (or so we say) testimonials to see what people, namely ourselves, are saying about this project:

Get a Job You Bum

If you want to leave so much get a job and work for money like the rest of us.

Chad R.


We love you honey

We will miss you and come visit many times. But where are our grandbabies?

Mom & Dad


Take me with you

Please let us know when you open this service up for others!

Pam R.


Get the heck out of here!

Finally, a libtard that is willing to leave. Take them all with you.

Mark W.


Funniest thing I’ve seen all day

Thanks for the laugh. Hope you can get out for the rest of us!

Tracy P.


Who Are We?

We are Mike (he/him) and Jessica (she/her) Brown.

We are your typical woke liberal Millennial neighbors who work in fields many have described as worthless, primarily because no one has ever stopped to ask us what it is we do exactly.

We have an irresponsible amount of student debt, no hope of ever owning a house, enjoy hoppy craft beer and avocado toast, and hold a belief that everyone should be treated the same no matter their skin color, religion, sexual orientation, or country of origin.

Help us immigrate to a country that shares these crazy ideals today!

Join the Waitlist

Are you looking to emigrate and want support from Sponsor an Emigrant? Don’t we all!

While this completely unserious site is not likely to be able to help any time soon, stranger things have happened. If you’d like to hear from us in the event that we ever do become something serious, sign up for our waitlist below.

By using the form below, you consent to be added to our mailing list. Don’t worry, we probably won’t ever email you. But you never know.

So far, 31 potential emigrants have joined our waitlist!

Contact Form Demo (#3)

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you curious to learn more about Sponsor an Emigrant? Check out these FAQ that we definitely didn’t just make up on the spot.

Generally speaking, the direction of travel is the major difference. Immigrants are moving to a new place. Emigrants are leaving their current place of residence.

With your generous support, we would be both. We will be emigrating from the USA and immigrating to another country of our choosing (pending acquisition of all necessary legal permits, of course).

By now you should hopefully recognize that most everything here is made up, and our bio is no exception.

Our photo was made with AI and the bio only has a few kernels of truth sprinkled in. We just picked a handful of triggering buzzwords to have fun with it.

But the creators of this page are Democrats, are citizens of the USA, hold a stack of degrees in highly technical and essential fields that most dont understand, love craft beer and avocado toast, and are looking to legally emigrate overseas at some point. This paragraph, and this paragraph alone, is 100% true.

For everything else, make up whatever you like. We don't mind, as long as you contribute!

We do not guarantee anything if you give us money. Contributions are treated like a digital tip jar only.

Once we receive any funds, we are free to do with them however we see fit, including buying avocado toast, having an abortion*, smoking weed**, taking a lavish vacation, converting it to Euro, buying crypto, or just stuffing it in a mattress.

That said, if we magically hit a figure where emigrating would be feasible, we absolutely would consider using the funds for that purpose. We do want to move overseas, after all.

*Just kidding- we have been sterilized. We won't use this money on an abortion. Pinky promise!
**Medical weed is legal in our jurisdiction and is quite good. Toke on.

We have a great life in the US but are frequent travelers and have always wanted to live abroad for a period of time longer than what most tourist visas provide.

Likewise, there are always issues that can be improved on at home, of course, and whenever these are brought up in normal political discourse we are often told "if you don't like it, leave!" to which we would often reply "well, we would if we could."

If you really want us to leave, now is your chance. Sponsor an emigrant today so we all can be winners. This may be the one time where we can all agree on something worthwhile!

Honestly, we don't know. We thrive in new environments, love different cultures, and want to experience the world we live in as best as possible.

Will some things be better? Absolutely. Can others be worse? Of course. But we are fine with that.

And if we leave and find the grass is not always greener, we will tip our hat to you and admit that you were right. But first would need to buy a hat.

Of course not. We have no idea if (of when) we could ever reach our goal. That is before figuring out all the costs, logistics, and legal hurdles of actually moving overseas.

All contributions will be used as we see fit as noted above and may or may not be used for relocating.

For those who make a recurring contribution, you can cancel at any time. But all payments are final- this part isn't a joke. If this is confusing at all, don't send money.

We aren't quite sure how to make this any clearer.

The great thing about our website is that it is not a charity. We are a for-profit entity that engages in good old fashioned American capitalism. You give us money, we provide exactly what was offered in return (which, in case it isn't clear by now, is nothing).

So, unfortunately, no, your contributions are not tax deductible at this time.

But, let's be honest, that's a good thing! If they were, we would essentially be taking a handout on our quest to emigrate, and we don't want to risk being called freeloaders, moochers, or other derogatory names. This money is earned through hard work, grit, determination, and a fair bit of humor that hopefully doesnt go over anyone's heads.

Did we make you laugh? Did we make you angry? We worked hard at trying to bring about an emotional response one way or another as all great art does (and this website didnt code itself!). So contribute today to show your support, or disgust- it's all the same to us!

If you live abroad and want to help an American emigrate, you can absolutely contribute (click here if you're feeling generous). We accept payments from everyone and will do so until we are told otherwise.

Note that we are not selling anything here, and you are only contributing because of the entertainment value you got out of this satire page. (That's it. That's the joke!)

That said, if we were to move to your country, we promise to integrate as best as we can including paying taxes as required, learning your language(s), following local laws and customs, perhaps sharing our journey on social media (TBD), and spending a great deal of money in your local economy.

If this joke site magically blew up and actually received contributions at scale, we would try to figure out how to support others ethically, equitably, and, perhaps most important, legally.

We would be first to take advantage of any funds received, of course, but if the opportunity is there, we would absolutely pay it forward.

But right now we have no formal process in place to do so, if only because we cant imagine actually receiving any payments to begin with. We guarantee no results for anyone, including for ourselves, and do not want to make any promises.

But if you would like to join our mailing list to stay in touch, we will possibly have updates if that ever changes in the future- but don't be surprised if we don't email, either.

Yes! All donations are treated as income and we happily pay all Federal, State, and Local taxes on net proceeds- which right now is about 28% plus another 15% for Medicare and Social Security via self-employment. (Youch!)

We are liberals after all. We follow the law, and that includes paying taxes- even if our effective tax rate is higher than some billionaires these days.

We don't intend to discuss policies set forth by any administration, at home or abroad, other than in a matter-of-fact approach on what immigration laws currently exist for those looking to move.

Our politics are our own. Yours are your own. Having differing opinions is what makes America great. Telling someone to leave because you don't agree with their view isn't the answer, and is the point of this site.

That said, we do encourage everyone to register to vote and vote in every election. The choices you make are your own, even if you don't have the same views as us.

America is best when everyone participates, and we do mean everyone.

Have a question you don’t see a made-up answer to in our FAQ above? You can always contact us here!

Other Ways to Help

If you don’t want to contribute, you can still help for free by sharing on your favorite social media platform and joining our newsletter.

Want to complain to your friends about how this page is stupid? Share! Want to get your friends in on the joke? Share!

Who knows, they may even Sponsor an Emigrant, too, but every page view helps break down the very real and cost-prohibitive nature of the term “if you don’t like it, leave”- and that’s all that really matters.