
With your generous contribution, we can help Sponsor an Emigrant to leave the United States as quickly as possible!

Goal USD: $1,000,000.00
Sponsor an Emigrant Today!

Get a liberal to leave the USA with a contribution as low as $1!

0.00% Raised
$43.00 donated
5 Donors
XX Days Left

Prefer to contribute via crypto? We accept all major cryptocurrencies here.

Please note: We reserve the right to do whatever we want to with any funds sent. This site is satire, and we do not actually expect anyone to contribute. That said, if you enjoyed the site (or are mad at us for creating it at all), we’d love it if you contributed all the same. Who knows? Maybe this page will blow up and we’ll actually make enough to emigrate!

For more information about this website, please read the FAQ on our homepage.